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Great Fundraising Events: From Experience to Transformation
Free eBook
Great Fundraising Events: From Experience to Transformation
This report reveals the key elements that contribute to successful fundraising events and how they offer valuable and engaging experiences for both participants and hosts.
In this guide you will learn:
- How to understand donor expectations and motivations
- Ways to enhance supporter experiences through storytelling
- Methods to involve board members strategically
- Innovative uses of technology for donor-centric events
Grab your free copy
Whether an event is for 50 or 5,000 people, it must be meticulously planned.
The best fundraising events can snowball into global celebrations.
In 1983 the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure Series® saw 800 participants for its first 5K event. Now it’s become an annual event with over 1.5 million participants across 150 locations around the world.
A successful fundraising event can drive your organization to new heights, recruit more donors or volunteers, increase awareness, and strengthen long-term relationships.
Discover the best practices for creating successful fundraising events!
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.