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Free eBook
Generational Giving Report
In this report you will learn:
- How different generations prefer to get involved with your organization.
- Communication preferences and strategies for Generation Z through Baby Boomers.
- Tips on how to account for donor preferences in your follow-up and retention efforts.
Grab your free copy
Data-backed strategies to engage & inspire donors of all ages

Have you ever wondered how your fundraising efforts relate to your constituents from different generations? Odds are your Gen Z and Baby Boomer donors are learning about and engaging with your nonprofit in very different ways. Your outreach should be optimized through a generational lens to ensure you’re reaching the right audience with the right message and inspiring generosity!
In this 2024 Generational Giving Report, over 1,000 donors of all ages were asked to tell us how they discover nonprofits to support, how they stay connected to those nonprofits, their fundraising event habits, donor retention preferences, and more!