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Free eBook
Buyer's Guide to Donor Management Software
In this report you will learn about:
- Purchasing your first solution. Never bought a dedicated fundraising CRM or donor database? Start here.
- Making a switch. How can you know when it’s time to make a switch, and where you should start?
- Knowing your needs. Do you know what you need your new fundraising software to do, and do those needs align with the vendors you’re looking at?
- The demo. What should you do before, during and after you’ve demo’d the product?
Grab your free copy
Shopping for a new software can be a trying experience.
With so many vendors to choose from, it’s difficult to know which option is truly best for your organization.
To help you cut through the noise, we created the Buyer’s Guide to Donor Management Software.
Cut through the noise with the Buyer's Guide to Donor Management Software
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.