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A Beginner’s Guide to Finding The Best Donor Prospects Hidden In Your Database
Free eBook
Find the Best Donor Prospects Hidden in Your Database
Discover engagement strategies that enhance existing donor relationships and grow their giving, as well as uncover donors with a propensity to give to your organization for the first time.
In this guide you will learn:
- Who the best donor prospects are based on research
- Retention strategies to set you up for success
- Strategies for reactivating lapsed donors
- What donors actually want from you
- How to find prospective donors that are right under your nose
Grab your free copy
Make Donor Research Easier
Asking for upgrades, major gifts, and bequests is something that every fundraiser wants to do well. But identifying the best donor prospects in your lists for those types of asks can be an even bigger challenge than the ask itself.
Whether you’re a small nonprofit who feels that prospect research is out of reach, or you’re looking to hire a professional prospect researcher and want to set them up for success, this eBook is for you.
Discover hidden donor prospects in your database to increase your fundraising power!
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.