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Free eBook
The Art and Science of Retaining Digital Donors
Discover why donor retention is crucial for nonprofits and how you can improve yours. Gain valuable insights and strategies to keep donors engaged and support your cause effectively.
In this guide you will learn:
- Why retention matters
- What drives donor loyalty
- Donation page checklist
- 21 ideas for your donation confirmation page
- The confirmation email/receipt
- Formal follow-up
Grab your free copy
Never lose another online donor.
Someone just made a donation through your website. Don’t let it be their last.
The Art and Science of Retaining Digital Donors will help you thank, engage and retain your online donors. Just fill out some quick information and you’ll gain access to the eBook.
Discover how to improve donor retention and raise more funds!
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.