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6 Things You Can Change Right Now To Make Your Year-End Appeal Raise More Money
This session will focus on 6+ practical things you should consider or change right now to help your year-end appeal raise more money!
Learning Objectives:
• Direct marketing fundamentals that can help or hurt your results
• Discuss tactics around storytelling and decision science that will open donor wallets
• Creative examples that will inspire you and open donors’ hearts
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker John Lepp
John Lepp, affectionally referred to as the Ted Lasso of fundraising, is the author of Creative Deviations, and a direct response, marketing and graphic design expert with over 25 years of experience working with charities around the world to help them tell better stories and to inspire donors to give, both online and offline. He is a respected and coveted international speaker who has traveled the world helping fundraisers be more “human” and “vulnerable” to these other amazing humans we call donors.
Host Kate Kramer
Kate Kramer has over 15 years of development and marketing experience. As the Partner Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, she continues to support organizations that are mission-driven and that positively impact the world. In her previous role as Foundation Manager for the VRMC Foundation, she managed the annual giving programs, including special events and mailing appeals, assisted and oversaw the annual budget and marketing plans, and managed a major gift donor portfolio of over 150 donors.