Education Foundation of Palm Beach County

“Nonprofits are notoriously bad recordkeepers. If you don’t write it down, if you don’t have a record of it, it didn’t happen. Every conversation, every note, every thank you, every contact with a donor has got to be recorded. At the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County, we use Bloomerang and have used Bloomerang now for seven years. It’s user-friendly, it’s incredibly efficient, and it allows us to track every single contact we have with our entire donor base. It allows us to be better organized, more efficient, and to craft a plan to make sure that we’re doing what we need to do, so our donors do what they need to do. If you’re looking to organize your communication, to organize your donor relations, you need a CRM, and Bloomerang is a heck of a place to start.”
James Gavrilos
President & CEO
Education Foundation of Palm Beach County