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Why I Donated: Why I Give $10 Every Month To My Local Public Radio Station

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Updated - 03/29/2024

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In this post, we talk to Cait, a hospitality manager and athletic instructor, in New Orleans, LA, who donates $10 each month to WWNO, the New Orleans Public Radio station.

The Cause: WWNO, New Orleans Public Radio | See how public radio stations use Bloomerang to move their missions forward.

The Donation: $10/month

What inspired you to make a donation to WWNO?

WWNO has been a huge part of my life since I was a child. I’ve been listening to NPR* since I was a teenager, and it’s my constant news source as an adult. I am a firm supporter of public radio since it often provides local updates like emergency services or breaking news and connects us to international issues.

*Editor’s note: WWNO is an NPR member station

Were you familiar with WWNO before donating?

Very familiar.

Why did you donate $10/month? How did you decide on the amount you donated?

I wanted to donate monthly but never had the financial means to do so. During their last fundraiser, I decided there was no time like the present. The $10 monthly donation felt sustainable, even if there was a crisis and I was a little more strapped for money.

When you make a donation, what do you expect to happen next? Why?


How did WWNO acknowledge the donation? How did you feel about that acknowledgement?

For example, if the receipt confirmation email arrived immediately, you might have felt confident that you gave to an organization that operates efficiently.

I did receive an email immediately thanking me for my donation, but that was about it. It was automated for sure. I don’t really get any updates about the organization or how the money is being spent. I actually sit on the board for a nonprofit, and we make it a point to let people know where their donations are going so I do find that a little unusual. That said, it doesn’t take away from my love and passion for the organization itself. I will continue to donate and support them.

Do you intend to donate to WWNO again in the future?


What would inspire you to make another donation to WWNO? What would inspire you to increase your donation amount?

I often donate to nonprofits for yahrzeits (the anniversary of a death). For example, I’ll be making a donation to the American Bird Conservatory in memory of my grandparents this year. If I find an organization that supports something I’m passionate about, I will make a donation. My husband and I often donate to Doctors Without Borders because they partner with a speedrunning community we are part of. We also try to find organizations that align with our Jewish values.

If I had the funds to do so, I would increase a donation amount or I would make another donation if the organization had a goal they were working towards. For example, I would make a separate donation if they needed $1,000 for new equipment.

Is there anything you’d like to add that would help WWNO better understand why you donated or that would make you feel more valued?

It takes a small amount of time to reach out and let your donors know, no matter how small their gifts, how much you appreciate them. I get examples of where my money is going by public radio still existing but for most nonprofits, showing what your donation goes to is really helpful. 

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