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Donor, I Just Called To Say I Love You

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Updated - 03/29/2024

How to Use Social Media to Improve Donor Loyalty

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Have you ever made a thank you call and had a donor hang up on you?

The first time it happened to me I was crushed.

“But…but…but…I only wanted to say thank you,” I mumbled into dead air. And then, because I’m an emotional eater, I downed an entire sleeve of cookies.

Luckily for me (and my blood sugar) though, getting the click and depressing dial tone has been rare in my fundraising career. Instead, I’ve enjoyed tons of delightful conversations with donors. And have loved leaving hundreds of cheery voicemails too.

Because there really is something special about connecting with donors over the phone.

Especially the donors who can’t stop gushing over the work you do. Who tell you what makes their hearts pitter patter. And who are so gracious in sharing the story of why they gave.

Ask any fundraiser and they’ll tell you these conversations are why they love their job.

But what do you do when you’re all caught up on your thank you calls and need a donor fix? Calling to say thanks for a donation is wonderful thing, but what about calling your donors when they support you in other ways?

Like when they comment on one of your social media posts.

“Hi there! I saw your awesome comment on our Facebook post today and just had to call and say thanks. You added so much to the conversation, and I loved your perspective. Thanks a ton for being such an engaged and wonderful supporter!”

Or when they respond to your survey request.

“Hey there! I just read through your survey responses, and I wanted to thank you. Your feedback is amazing and is going to help us tons. We really are so grateful for donors like you. And thanks so much for taking the time to respond.”

And when they refer a friend your way.

“Hello and high fives! I just had the best conversation with one of your friends, who was so excited about making a gift because of you. You are amazing, and we can’t thank you enough for telling your friends about our work. It means the world to us.”

See? The opportunities to thank our donors are endless. And priceless too.

So get dialing, my friends! Amazing conversations await.

donor love and loyalty

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