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3 Ways A Fundraising Plan Can Aid In A Data Conversion

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Updated - 03/29/2024

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When you convert from another donor database you will have a lot of questions: how long is the process, who will I be working with, how can I clean up my data, will I be trained, can I apply filters, etc.

The most common question asked during a conversion is “what do other organizations do?” in regards to filtering, data clean up, customizations, etc.

Good data conversion teams will answer all of these questions at the onset, but there is one more that question that should be at the top of your list: “what can we do to make our database match our fundraising plans?” It’s a far different question and one that sadly most organizations aren’t asking.

So here are three reasons to have a fundraising plan ready to use with your conversion.

Reason One – Alignment

One of the most solidifying things an organization can do with it’s employees is get them completely on board with a plan and everyone knows their role. Fundraising plans are meant to allow every department, and ideally stakeholder, to provide feedback to the plan and become invested.

This organization alignment readies everyone during a database conversion with those goals in mind and what role they play. They look specifically for their tasks and needs and come to the table ready from day one.

Reason Two – Precision

Fundraising plans are concise! There is no filler when it comes to your fundraising plan. You are stating a five year+ plan outlying your strategy to raise money to your organization. There are objectives, strategies, and analysis all aimed at a goal.

Applying this fundraising plan to your conversion implies you are looking to see how those strategies can meet your objectives and, ultimately, your goals.

Reason Three – Customization

During a conversion we will take your plan and integrate it into your database. This will aid in data mapping, the creation of custom fields, and the creation of reports that are meaningful to you.

When a client is willing to share their fundraising plan with me during a conversion, I know that it will not only be a smooth process but a meaningful one as well.

So don’t be afraid to bring it to the table! Chances are it will delight your new database vendor and data conversion team.

Did you include your fundraising plan as part of your last data conversion? Let us know in the comments below!

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